Wednesday, 15 May 2024, 10:53 AM
Glossary: Digital Dictionary

Fire Extinguisher

A device containing material that can stop a fire from burning.


A health institution that provides outpatient or inpatient health services to sick and injured people.

Disaster Response Team

A group of specially trained people wearing uniforms who help people in disasters such as earthquakes, floods, storms, and fires.

Red Crescent / Red Cross

An international organization that takes care of people in danger.


A device that moves up and down, carrying people from one floor of a building to another.


Dispersal of a place with a great noise.


To move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe.

Scream For Help

Screaming for help from someone in a dangerous situation.


Rotary-wing aircraft capable of vertical take-off and landing from the ground

Helicopter Rescue

An helicopter dedicated to securing somebody.

Emergency Service

Urgent care department for first treatment at the hospital.

Emergency Call

Phone call made by a person to ask for help during emergency situations.

Go To Muster Area

Seeking a safe place to avoid a dangerous situation (search for safe place)

Ask someone for help

Go to a person who can help to avoid a dangerous situation.

Being Lost

Not knowing where we are.

Emergency Exit

A door that opens outwards  to use for escaping in case of danger.


The falling of earth down a steep slope.


Specially equipped vehicles for transporting the sick or injured between hospitals or for the purpose of transporting them to the hospital


The sudden rush of a large amount of snow, ice, or rocks down a mountain


A puddle or stream of water on dry surfaces.


A weather condition in which very small drops of water are close to the land, making it difficult to see.

Medical Staff

Men and women in white coats who prescribe medicine, dress and operate to heal us when we are sick or injured

Muster Area

A place where everyone in an area is ordered to go in case of emergency or danger.

Do Not Use Lift

Do not use the machine used to go up or down in buildings in dangerous situations.

Do Not Inhale Smoke

Do not breathe the gray or black gas produced when something is burned.


Natural events such as earthquakes, fires and floods that damage people, animals and buildings are called disasters.

Car Accident

An event that happens by chance, especially a harmful one.

Rock Fall

The falling of rocks down a somewhere.


Very strong wind that brings rain and lightning from the sky.

Electrical Hazard

Warning sign against electrical hazard.

Fire Danger

Warning sign against fire danger.


Fire Extinguisher Cabinet

Cabinet with fire hose, sprinkler and faucet.

Stay Away From Buildings

Staying away from buildings for protection during and after an earthquake.


The floor below the ground floor of a building.


Men and women wearing blue and black uniforms protecting people's belongings, cars, homes and themselves

Police Station

Buildings and facilities where police officers work

Police Car

White vehicles with blue inscriptions used by the police


Flooding of water on land that is not normally underwater.

Send Message

Sending a help message via phone to a person who is not with you.


A shaking or other movement of part of the earth's surface.


Great fires that give to the place where we live.

First Aid Kit

A box or bag that contains basic medical equipment.

Temporary Shelter

Public buildings, guesthouses, sports halls, social facilities, schools, large tents, etc., set up in order to provide temporary housing for victims of disasters.

Fire Stairway

A staircase for leaving a building in case of a fire or emergency.

First Aid

Emergency action undertaken until the health personnel who will provide medical assistance arrives.

Rescue Dog

Dog trained to find or rescue people or objects


A person that is injured, for example with a cut or a hole in the skin.


Remains of collapsed buildings and goods.

Disaster Relief Tent

Short-term emergency shelter, which is sent right after disasters or emergencies.


Loud sounding device used by police, ambulances and firefighters


A place where you can get protection from danger.


Securing someone from a dangerous situation.


For protection during earthquake 
(1) Drop down onto hands and knees, 
(2) Cover head and neck, 
(3) Hold on to shelter.

Forest Fire

The great fire that destroys the forests.



A small light you can carry around.

Run! Hurry Up!

To run, to hurry up to get out of a dangerous situation.


Something we eat, drink or smell makes us sick.


Big wave formed by the shaking in the sea and damaging the place we live in.

Lightning Strike

Noisy electricity falling down from the clouds in the sky.

To Extinguish

Stop the burning of.


Warning sign against dangers.

Building Collapse

When a building falls down due to pressure or lack of support.


Fainting, dying from not being able to breathe underwater.

The High Point

A place that is above everything else in the area, where you could be safe in case of floods.

Fire Department

Fire extinguishing process and the general name given to the organization performing this process


Men and women wearing red uniforms who are tasked with putting out fires in and around our home

Fire Truck

Cars and trucks used by firefighters to extinguish fires and carry firefighters' belongings

Fire Bell

Alarm bell to be used to warn people if there is a fire in the building we are in


Action to test the adequacy of the procedures to be taken in case of emergency or danger.


Men and women wearing blue, green or white uniforms with markings on their arms and shoulders, protecting our country in the air, on land and at sea.

Volcanic Eruption

Big fires bursting out under the mountains.

Disaster Victim

People affected by disaster are called disaster victims.


An object that you blow through in order to make a loud sound.

Whistle For Help

Make a high sound by forcing air through a small hole or passage, especially through the lips, or through a special device held to the lips.


The place where men and women work in uniforms that help people when disasters such as earthquakes, fires, and floods occur in Türkiye.

Disaster and Emergency Supply Bag

Bag containing emergency items and documents to be used during and after the disaster.

Go To A Reliable Person

Going to an adult for protection from a dangerous situation(Go to an adult)