Feeling safe is one of the most basic needs of all individuals in society, whether they have special needs or not. Individuals with special needs may encounter various hazards such as earthquakes, floods, fires, accidents and minor injuries in their daily life at home, school, parks, shopping malls, avenues and streets. In order to be protected from these dangers that they may encounter in daily life, they need to have some basic safety skills.
    The ability to protect against natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, fires, tsunamis and landslides, as well as man-made disasters such as war/mobilization and accidents are situations in which individuals with special needs will be vulnerable. The skills to be taught to individuals with special needs and the necessary precautions to be taken in order to be protected from natural and man-made disasters are very important to ensure the safety of these individuals.
    They are short stories written in a specific format to teach social skills to individuals with intellectual disability or autism, presenting social information in a direct and easy-to-understand way. In addition to social skills, social stories are also used in teaching security skills such as protection from abduction attempts by strangers, protection from sexual harassment and coping with mockery.